Wandering Spirit Beads

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hasta la vista, Baby!

As the final preparations are being made for my trip to Colorado, I find myself thinking about all the things I’ll be leaving behind: my sister, my son, my cat, and the network of great friends I’ve made over the last few years. My sister’s taking care of my cat, Holly, until I can reclaim her. I’ll definitely miss spending time with Karen, but knowing that we plan to be in the same city again one day and that I’ll be reuniting with her and my kitty eventually eases that separation anxiety a bit. However, it’s been hard enough trying to schedule visits with my son who just lives on the other side of the Puget Sound. How will having a few states between us affect our visits? And how will I stay in touch with all of my friends?

Releasing Attachments

My quest for a job and a fresh start in Colorado has taken me to a number of places so far, and I sense that by the time it has been completed, this journey will have become much more than just a physical relocation. My life has changed so much over the last few years and it’s about to change a whole lot more. I’ll be leaving behind family and friends as I venture into the unknown. Despite the optimism I embrace for this new adventure on which I’m about to embark, change and the unknown are still two very dark and frightening places. No matter how many times one moves, it never really gets any easier.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Stone Circles In A New World

Surrounded by ocean to the north and to the west, near the edge of a cliff stands a stone circle – a sacred site, a sanctuary, a place where one can gaze up at the stars at night and ponder the mysteries of the universe. The cool night breeze carries a subtle mist through the standing stones that are planted firmly in each of the cardinal directions, adding a welcome moisture to the dry mountain air. The sky above offers a crystal clear view of the constellations and a glimpse into the divine energy that is the cosmos. Tall trees on the hillside wrap their protective arms around the southern perimeter of the circle, while an archway to the east beckons with an invitation to traverse the stone trail down to the rocky beach below. The seagulls have followed me here from the old west coast. This new world is silent and beautiful, and full of wonder and possibilities.