Wandering Spirit Beads

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Our Last Day on Earth

If you knew that today was going to be your last day on Earth, how would you spend it? What would you do? Who would you most want to be with? Many of us go about our day, not giving much thought to the end of our existence. It’s usually not until we experience something tragic that we think about those last moments.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Doctors, Magic, and Monkeys

Sticking with the theme of dreams that my posts have been taking this month, I feel compelled to share one of the more comical dreams I’ve had. Feel free to roll your eyes or shake your head at me, but I think you might get a laugh or two out of this one.

Angels, Dreams, and Déjà vu

Do you remember your dreams? Have you ever experienced a prophetic dream, received messages from other people, or had angels communicate something to you? Dreams are usually either abstract or unremarkable, but sometimes they can be scary and full of disturbing images or actions. Such a dream can cause us to wake up experiencing residual fear or panic. Imagine how you might react if one night your dreams foretold of someone’s death. Fearful? Panicked? Thankfully, this type of dream is more the exception than the rule.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Portals and the Dreaming World

Many people try to interpret dreams using one of many lists that explain the symbolic meanings behind ordinary objects that appear in our nighttime realities. Whether or not you believe that dreams contain hidden messages, some explanations can be insightful, especially if you’re having a recurring theme in your dreaming world.

Time Travel

“If you could go back in time, would you kill Hitler?” That’s a question pondered by many people who discuss the concept of time travel. But is it even possible to journey through time?

Most scientists would probably tell us that time travel is nonsense, an impossible fantasy. Then there are those who believe that it might be possible, but using the required worm hole to arrive at our destination would kill us. Hollywood has given us movies where devices were created to take us on that journey instead. However, there are a few films that suggest it’s possible through other means.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Akashic Records, Dreams, and DNA

Why do birds know to fly south for the winter? How do they know where to migrate? We all learn this in grade school: birds instinctively know that they have to fly south to a warmer climate in order to survive the winter. But how do they know that? What exactly is instinct?

Cosmic Dreams

Have you ever experienced a dream that was so powerful, it has haunted you for years? What if in that dream, you were given potentially significant information, yet the details of it remain elusive? Several years ago, I had just such a dream.

Men In Kilts

The internet is up while I’m diligently working on my book, just in case I need to research something, of course. Then I hear it… Facebook’s magical ping that tells me I have a notification. I try hard to ignore it, but the temptation is too great. Eventually, my curiosity gets the better of me and I can’t help but check it out.

While I’m there, I scroll through my news feed to see what’s going on in the world. What’s the harm in that, right? Should only take a few minutes, then I’ll get right back to my writing. A “few” minutes longer than a few minutes later, I look up and I notice on my email tab that I have three new messages. Okay, maybe I’ll just I check those out quickly, then…

Friday, November 21, 2014

Indie Authors

“Hello. My name is J.D. Hanning and I’m an indie author.”

Sounds like an introduction one might make at a support group meeting, doesn’t it? Support groups for writers. Now there’s a novel idea (pun intended).