Wandering Spirit Beads

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Simply Perfect Mint Tea

While I was brewing tea this morning, I was thinking about my collection of teapots that are patiently waiting to be unpacked from storage one day. Naturally, in the spirit of minimalism, I only need one teapot, but somehow I’ve acquired several over the years – a couple I inherited from my mother, some were gifts, and I’ve purchased a few of them myself. Of course, to go along with the teapots, one must have proper teacups and saucers because everyone knows that drinking tea from a coffee mug is barbaric. Worse yet, don’t even think about serving tea from a porcelain coffee pot! Yikes! Remember the song, “I’m a little teapot, short and stout…” next time you reach for that tall “teapot” that’s really part of a coffee service.