Wandering Spirit Beads

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Things I Rediscovered Today

Throughout my life, most people have pegged me as someone who has only two emotions – happy and mad – when, in fact, I experience the entire range of emotions that fall between those two extremes. Maybe I’m just so good at hiding my emotions most of the time, that those two are the only ones anyone can ever recognize or acknowledge or assume that I must be feeling. 

Friday, June 24, 2022

Welcome to Murica

Imagine, if you will, living in the alternate timeline created by a single diverging event, one that happened in November 2016 – the timeline where Donald Jackass Trump wasn’t elected president and didn’t have the opportunity to shove the fanatical Republican agenda down everyone’s throat in an effort to take control of anyone who’s not a straight white “Christian” male. Yes, that’s right, I put quotation marks around the word “Christian.” 

If my opening paragraph didn’t make you immediately stop reading, I want you to imagine that alternate timeline marching progressively forward, rather than regressing back to the oppressive Dark Ages, where a Pro Life movement really is about advocating for the life of a child rather than about controlling women.