Wandering Spirit Beads

About Wandering Spirit Beads

J.D. Hanning, owner of Wandering Spirit Beads, designs and creates handcrafted meditation tools. Instructional workshops are offered in the Bellingham, WA area by appointment only. Classes include a guided meditation following the completion of the project.


Wandering Spirit Beads designs include the trademark Celtic Journey Stones and Spirit Beads, which currently are not available in any retail stores. Availability at art shows, street fairs, or other special events will be posted with the Wandering Spirit Beads links on the home page.

Contact me for a special order and I will create a custom-made strand for you. Payment and shipping details will be provided at that time.

Workshops are also available so you can learn how to make your own sacred strands. Class schedules will be posted on the home page, or you can contact me to schedule a private instruction and meditation session.


Meditating or praying with a sacred strand of beads is a spiritual practice that forges a strong connection with the divine and with universal energy. Wearing or holding a strand of beads provides focus; it produces clarity of vision during meditation. Combined with the user’s intention, the healing and metaphysical properties of the semi-precious gemstones aid meditation practices and help facilitate the manifestation of particular goals by using those energies.

Used in regular meditation, a simple string of beads becomes a strong and effective tool for self-affirmation and  manifestation of specific goals, especially when combined with a firm belief in the power of prayer and mantras. Most of the world’s religions advocate prayer of some sort and have a long history of praying with beads, a spiritual practice that forges a strong connection with the universe and with the divine. Whether used for prayer or simple meditations, the metaphysical energy of the gemstones selected is designed to work with your intention to enhance the success of the experience.

The strand of beads can be strung in a variety of ways, using various numbers of bead combinations and arrangements. The choice of design is usually based on esthetics; however, just as our bodies crave certain types of food, we tend to be drawn to the energy of the gemstones that our spirit needs at the time. Needs change. After working with one strand of beads, another strand with different properties may eventually find its way into your spiritual toolbox, providing the variety of tools for a variety of purposes over time.

Promoting peace & harmony through meditation.

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