Wandering Spirit Beads

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Welcome to Wandering Spirit

J.D. Hanning is the pseudonym I use for my written work. Although the "J" really does stand for Joanne, most people know me as Hannah. I'll be posting some updates on my writing projects here, but if you're just looking for updates, you can follow me on Facebook or Twitter. If you want to know things about my writing process, what I'm working on, things I find maddening about the world (or about my writing process), and other random thoughts that come to me that I think might be interesting to share, then this is where you need to be.

Keep in mind that I have resisted the need to blog and tweet and post for as long as possible, but just as anyone who's ever faced the Borg may have discovered, resistance is futile. I suppose the best way to begin a blog is to tell you a little bit about myself and what I do. So, here we go...

About Me:

I was drawn to the beauty of the Pacific Northwest and have made the Puget Sound area my home since 1996. I lived in Colorado for about two years during that time, but moved back home to Washington state in early 2014. I'm looking forward to one day living in a cabin in the woods somewhere, with a loyal and faithful companion, and a dog or two. Maybe another cat. A horse would be cool, but I'd rather not clean poop out of the barn, so maybe not. I love animals, but I have to draw the line somewhere, I suppose. Okay... I digress. Wow, that didn't take long. 

Natural and organic products are my preference. I am an advocate for clean air and water as every living being's birthright, and I do what I can to spread the word to help promote action wherever they are at risk. I believe in holistic healing modalities like Reiki, Qigong, and meditation, and I actively share information about them online via social media tools in addition to this Wandering Spirit blog. Other important social issues that I devote my time to spreading awareness about include alternative energy sources, recycling, green building practices, human rights and the prevention of cruelty to animals.

Traveler would be my occupation of choice if it were possible. It's my dream to one day visit some of the places that have helped to inspire the settings for The Traveler’s Saga, a series of fantasy novels that I began writing in 2005. Some of my own meditation bead designs have been influenced by the intricate knot work designs of the ancient Celts, whose rich history and mythology is also a source of fascination and inspiration for my written work.


The first book in The Traveler's Saga series is published and available from most online retailers as an ebook. Both the ebook and paperback formats are also on my official author website. The first book is called The Shopkeeper and the Traveler. The second is called The Ghost Ships of Loch Orrthannan and is scheduled for re-release in 2015; it is currently not available. I'm hoping to complete The Windrider Prophecy, the third book in the series, in 2016. I'm also working on another novel called The Timekeeper's Legacy. There are several other stories in the works, but there's never enough time in the day to work on all of them. More about those projects in later posts.


In addition to writing, I have been handcrafting jewelry using semi-precious gemstones since about 2001. Inspired by the fact that some of the characters in The Traveler’s Saga use meditation beads, I started my own business, Wandering Spirit Beads, and shifted my focus from making jewelry to creating Celtic Journey Stones (TM), Spirit Beads (TM), and Chi Bracelets that are used in meditation. These tools are crafted with specific energetic properties that help one to achieve a more focused meditation or to manifest a particular goal, and their use was encouraged during a meditation circle that I led. For this monthly gathering, I offered guided visualizations and quiet meditations to participants who shared their experiences in a discussion group afterward. Currently, designs are available only through special order. For more information about ordering and scheduling workshops, click on the About Wandering Spirit Beads link .


I offer intuitive insights during my light touch Reiki healing sessions. Drawing from the metaphysical properties of crystals, I lead my clients through guided visualizations to assist in releasing energy blocks. Sometimes Celtic symbols, plant energy, totem animals or other guides appear with messages from Spirit for the clients to empower them on their healing journey. Sound therapy is very important in the healing process, specifically in the form of music, but I also intuitively use various other types of vibrational healing in the sessions. This service is offered by appointment only. Contact me if you are interested in scheduling a session or would like more information.


I earned my 2nd degree certification in the USUI Reiki method of natural healing in 2010. I have been doing energy work since 2004. I am also an ordained minister; however, I am not an advocate of any one specific religious doctrine over another and respect every one's right to his or her own spirituality.

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