Wandering Spirit Beads

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Pay Attention When Black Wolf Visits

When a black wolf appears to you in a vision, during a mediation, or in a dream, listen carefully to what he has to say. This wolf emerges from the shadows to teach a lesson or to issue a warning. Sometimes associated with a message of death or disaster, his arrival does not always have such ominous implications. Wolf is fiercely protective and motivated by love for his student. He will guide you through the chaos and help you to create or restore order and harmony in your life. If you listen without fear, he will reveal new paths for your journey. Through discipline, Wolf will show you how to create true freedom no matter what your situation might be.

Yes, that all sounds truly inspiring… until you open your eyes one morning and see a wolf actually entering your bedroom and halting next to your bed once he realizes he’s been spotted. When he doesn’t disappear and casually stares at you as if there’s nothing at all out of the ordinary going on, you blink hard a few times to assure yourself that you’re merely hallucinating. Yet he remains steadfast, cool eyes fixed upon yours.

Breaking the silence, he makes a slurping noise, like he’s just sucked the last little bit of his previous victim from between his teeth so when he smiles hungrily at you, there’s no evidence remaining to cause alarm. It’s Humphrey Bogart in a wolf disguise. Cool and nonchalant. You can almost hear what he’s thinking: “Yeah, honey… That’s right. I ain’t goin’ nowhere.” Of all the bedrooms in all of the towns in all the world, old Humphrey had to walk into mine. What did he want?

As our eyes locked, I forgot to be afraid. I was too busy trying to figure out why he was there to realize I should have been afraid. Perhaps if he had been real, I would have had the good sense to be frightened, but I wasn’t. That still seems strange to me because if he wasn’t real, he sure gave a good impression of it.

This black wolf had been around a while; he’d seen the world and visited many people. He had the wisdom of an ancient shaman and the gray flecks in his coat to match. He seemed tired, like he’d made this journey a few too many times and was ready to retire to some secluded forest somewhere. Maybe my bedroom was his last stop before he fulfilled some pact that had too long kept him from resting his weary body. He just wanted to get on with business; there was no hiding that.

Ready to face whatever lesson I had to learn, I rolled over and looked at the ceiling. I studied every line, every speck above me, trying to remember the significance of wolves as spirit guides, but drew a blank. I heaved a sigh of reluctance and turned to face the Black Wolf, only to find he had vanished. Perhaps I was still dreaming and just imagined the whole thing. None of it was real… or was it?

Moral of this story?

Always brush your teeth before going to bed. Never watch fairy tale movies late at night. Sometimes the only lesson is to pay attention in life, especially when Black Wolf visits.


  1. Thanks for the info. Yes I remember fighting a black werewolf in my dream years ago. During that time, it all went downhill. Now things are better, recently a black wolf visited me in my dream, gave me a message. This time the 'doom' wasn't for me. It was a bit of relief. Respect when the black wolf shows up in your dreams.

  2. i don't dream about a wolf i see the spirit of a black wolf with bright green eyes

    1. Since the wolf is a spirit, do you suppose that means whatever message he had brought closure for you? Or did it feel haunting?

  3. I had a black wolf in vision during meditation but he was familiar friendly and more dog like. He had yellow eyes.
    Any insight?

    1. Perhaps the black wolf with yellow eyes was there to alert you to something health-related. Since his demeanor was friendly, he may have picked up on some good news. I hope that's the case.

  4. Such a well told tale. Thank you for your humorous, respectful vision of the Black Wolf. I was at a Tantric retreat in Glastonbury during Beltane and dreamt of a black wolf wandering the prairie where my Irish and Dakota ancestors once lived. He attacked me and I grabbed his jaws with both hands. Healing the family shadow, perhaps.

    1. Shadow is an interesting word choice. Attacking wolves usually indicate a dangerous encounter with a "hidden" or previously unknown adversary. Since the jaws were targeted, maybe it was in regard to something slanderous. Harmful gossip even. Did you win your battle with the wolf?

  5. My black wolf visited me in a dream he had the most brilliant blue eyes the blackest coat and he lead a large pack. I was walking down a road on a hill a bit upset and he was running toward me big strong commanding but I wasn't scared I knew him, he knew me. He came straight up to me I put my hand out to greet him without hesitation, gave him a rub he rubbed up against me, all the while the pack sat down and waited patiently for him. After we bonded he turned and left leading the pack away as he did he turned and longingly looked at me one more time.Such a lovely feeling when I woke up like I felt protected and loved, like he was telling me I was safe and he wasn't far away always watching

    1. Interesting! I always think "true blue" with blue eyes, usually about friendship and loyalty. I think the same applies with our relationships with spirit animals. "He's got your back" is the phrase that came to mind as I started read what you wrote, then you said you woke up feeling protected and loved. True blue. What a wonderful dream!

  6. The other night I had a dream. In this dream I was the black wolf. I seen the Alpha Black wolf in the distance. I knew I had to kill him. As he lunged for me I grabbed him by his throat and killed him.

    1. This sounds to me like you have surpassed your teacher. Whatever it is you were learning, you've reached your goal. "Killing the alpha" means you're ready to take charge, to move forward with what you've learned.

  7. What if you see a black wolf in the backyard not a dream a real one

    1. I would probably stay inside the house. But seriously, it likely means the same as if it comes to you in a dream. He's there to let you know you need to learn something. You just need to figure out what that lesson is.

  8. I was going to a call at 2am in are fire engine and a black/silver wolf with bright eyes looked at me from the side of the road it was not there as we passed it so I know it was just a vision . what does tis mean ? I also seen two body shadows that same day. Am I losing it ?

    1. Even if it wasn't "really" there, you did see it in your mind's eye. Look for hidden messages. The shadow bodies could represent people in your life or even your own subconscious. Are you keeping something from others? Are you worried about something, like a health issue? Maybe something you've been reluctant to look at. Take it out of the shadows and review it.

  9. Ok a black wolf was chasing me and my dad, we were running, we took boat but it crossed islands, we asked polive they didn't help, we ran into a parking garage and thought he will not come but he came after some time, and we locked inside, then shouting for help a lady or a girl came with bow and arrows, and pointing at them but not killimg them, then i saw black white and brown wolf over the building i was in.

    1. Is there something in your life that you're ignoring? Maybe you've been putting off dealing with it? Your black wolf is reminding you that you can't run away from this issue. Maybe it's a family matter. Since the people you asked for help didn't respond, your wolf could also be telling you that it's okay to ask for help. This might be a complex issue requiring assistance since the wolf over the building was multi-colored.

  10. The past two nights I've been visited by a black wolf surrounded by snow. When I first see him I'm nervous and anxious. He just watches me. Not sure if he has anything to say. It's usually right before I wake up.

    1. There's an interesting play on light here. The white contrasts the dark wolf, making him stand out more. Could just be your guide's way of getting your attention. Maybe things aren't just black and white. Are there some shades of gray where you need to grow, change your mind, or learn something new?

  11. I dreamed that a bunch of black wolf's were at my door. Me and some people had to leave the house but the wolves were at my door. One person actually said don't worry they will go away.

    1. The first thing I "heard" here was, "You shall not pass." Forceful like a wizard. Have you been stubborn about an issue lately? That may be keeping you from moving forward. Take another look and see if there's room for some compromise.

  12. I open my eyes and im sprinting through amcient pine trees.
    There are 3 others running with me; we all look different. Im wearing hardly anything and im carrying something heavy on my back, strapped to me like a harness. We are running through a hidden trail with heavy wood on either side and out of nowhere a giant brown skin man that looks alot like me but possessed by something un-Godly. He effortlessly gives my companions their last breath with a single swipe. I stop and clutch my harness and the demon turns and looks me in my eyes. Pain and suffering and defeat ate in his eyes. He softly says "Lion King!!! Give me the basket with the special ones and you can run back to your little wolf pack.Mother is unhappy with you.
    I unstrap the basket..inside to my horror are 13 infants all identical, something glowing inside of them. I make a sound in my head and then feel something big rushing towards me. Behind me slowly creeps a giant black wolf and his gaze is afixed. I scream "Wolf with The Sign of The Lion!!!!" And charge this demon possessed being thrice my size full speed, my wolf leaping for the first strike as i lunge into him and i make my way to his back and I have him in some kind of lock and i grab his head on either sides and begin to try n snap his neck,and just as his eyes start to roll, he flips around on top of me and tries to bite my face and I scream Bright Shadow..suddenly I begin to metamorphosize into a kind of golden monkey man or something and my wolf bright shadow and i take down the demonic native"my brother" and out of nowhere an arrow peirces my chest then 3 more instantly...i fall to the ground and i focus.....then i open my eyes crying as a little baby but my mind is that of the Lion King. Some beautiful woman scoops the basket up onto a horse and take off and i wake up. Its crazy because i come from cherokee blood on my moms side and my dads side i have chickasaw/Choctaw blood. My people were of the Wolf and my bday is 7 26 90 Leo..Wolf with The Sign of The Lion. Weird but ive had the dream several times..like its a past life of mine.

    1. My initial impression is that you're overwhelmed with something new in your life, but you said you've had this dream before. Perhaps there are patterns in your life of overwhelming "drama" surrounding how you identify yourself, who you are, and how you traverse the obstacles in the world. With the light at the end, I sense that you are an optimistic person, so all usually ends well. The infants may represent something that has been entrusted to you, something important, something you protect fiercely. This dream tells me it's there for you to remember who you are and what you stand for. The word "fierce" really stands out for me in this, but in a good way.

  13. I’ve had this dream multiple times but in a different setting, a black wolf kept coming out of the darkness of the woods and I kept trying to run it off each time making it more mad and eventually longing for my neck... after that moment I wake up every time these dreams come with gaps up to a year or two at a time

    1. If the wolf was attacking your neck, do you feel like someone might be saying hurtful things, attacking you verbally? This could be in the form of gossip, but since the wolf jumps out of the darkness at you in the dreams, I'm guessing that whatever is going on will come to light in a surprising way. Stay aware.

  14. So I was in mediation to meet my spirit guides but the first one I saw was a lion and then a white falcon but they all passed by me except for a black wolf with red eyes appeared. He seemed friendly but he only appeared once I asked who my spirit guide was. He beckoned me to follow him so I did. We walked down this dark Forrest path till we reached a beautiful meadow and then we merged as one golden wolf and then I came back to my body. Any advice on what this means?

  15. I had a dream of a black wolf similar to this one. In the dream I awoke in my bed and a black wolf walked up and sat next to me. It had two different colored eyes, one blue and one yellow. it wasn't aggressive and I wasn't afraid, I felt like I had already known this wolf for a long time. I embraced it in a hug and then awoke from the dream.


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