Wandering Spirit Beads

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Who Built The Pyramids?

Through evolution we have become the most advanced humans to inhabit planet Earth. We crawled from the primordial goo and learned to walk upright, we went from finding shelter in caves to living in modern homes in the suburbs, we developed language and art and medicine and technology. We are the dominant species. We’ve come a long way since the time of our ancestors who were primitive, barbaric, and stupid compared to us. Right?

Now I’ll paint you a different picture, taking into account what’s called the myth of progress: “Human beings today are in all ways superior to human beings that came before us.”

According to the Hopi people, there have been several eras or ages of mankind. Each age began with humans living in balance with the earth, the creator, and each other. During those periods, mankind evolved. However, because they had turned away from the laws of nature and spiritual principles, cataclysmic events wiped out mankind to near extinction at the end of each age: the first by fire or earthquakes, the second by ice, and the third by flood. We are now in what is believed to be the fourth age of man and, according to some, we are rapidly nearing the fifth.

With each destruction, people had to start over. Imagine a barely inhabitable landscape, much different than what we are accustomed to now. What if those who were left to start over weren’t the scientists and engineers? Eventually, any technology that survives an apocalypse would cease to function, which would have a dramatic effect on our way of life should we experience such a catastrophe.

People with highly specialized skills wouldn’t know how to function in a world where more generalized abilities would be needed to survive – basic knowledge like hunting, fishing, farming, metal smithing, building, and cooking. Yes, I said cooking. Preparing meals from scratch is an art form lost to many in this modern time, and despite the convenience of electric, gas, or propane stoves, most of the population would still have to adapt to cooking over a fire. Some might even have to learn how to make a fire.

Think about your daily routine for a moment.

How many of the gadgets and products you use throughout your day would you be able to make if you had to? Do you understand how they work? Do you know the ingredients or how to find them? Would you know which plants are edible and which might kill you? Can you weave fabric to sew your own clothes? What about making leather for shoes or milking a cow or making cheese and butter? Do you know what cows and chickens eat? Where would you get the animals? Where would you find the seeds to grow your crops? Could you preserve your food to last through a harsh winter?

Even the smartest tech guru today might have difficulty figuring out some of these basic tasks, yet many people knew how to do these things before the industrial revolution created our highly specialized society. So if those who survived the third age of man had to get along without their own tech gurus, they must have faced the same handicap. They had to figure things out all over again.

This makes me wonder what humans of the third age knew. What skills did they master? What about the people of the first and second ages? Their knowledge must have differed from those who flourished in the all of the other eras, including our own. They had secrets that allowed them to build things that we have trouble explaining today, such as Stonehenge and the pyramids. Since stone can't be carbon dated, how do we know for sure in which era those monuments were really built?

People are beginning to question generally accepted theories about the true age of the pyramids and their purpose. Orthodox Egyptologists maintain that the pyramids were created as tombs about 6000 years ago, despite the fact that no mummies were ever discovered inside. They credit grave robbers for taking all of them, and most mainstream archeologists would agree. If that’s true, however, what happened to all the stolen mummies? Where are they now?

It’s more likely that the pyramids were not originally built as tombs, but that the ancient Egyptians declared them as monuments to their pharaohs upon discovering them. Just as Americans planted Old Glory on the moon as their legacy, ancient Egyptians did the same with the pyramids. Americans don’t own the moon, they didn’t create it, but they were the first ones to land there. Likewise, if the pyramids are indeed much older than believed, Egyptians never owned them nor did they build them. They were just the first modern people to find the pyramids and claim them as their own legacy.

Their version of planting their flag at the pyramid complex at Giza might have been to reshape the head of the Sphinx so that it resembled the leader of those times. Looking at the Sphinx now, the head is much smaller than it should be if it were correctly proportioned, suggesting that the original head was chipped away until it had the image it now displays. The head might have been that of a lion since the monument was pointing toward the constellation of Leo during the age when some believe it was built. However, the last Age of Leo was about 36,000 BCE. Others say that the head was originally that of a dog, like the god Anubis, who figured prominently in Egyptian mythology.

If the pyramids weren’t designed as tombs, what was their purpose? People have been speculating for centuries over how and why they were constructed, and the consensus has been that ramps were used to build these giant tombs. Not generally accepted is the idea that the giant stones were moved into place using levitation to create machines that would provide the world with a high vibrational energy. While we modern humans might scoff at such a fantastic notion, what if humans from the third or second era knew the secret of levitation? What if that was a widely accessible skill during their time?

What probably interests me more than who, how, and why the pyramids were built is the hotly debated question of when they were built. People who subscribe to the biblical ideology that the world is only 6000 years old would probably agree with mainstream archeologists who date the pyramids to about 4-5 thousand years of age. I’m not one of those people. Evidence that the Sphinx is older than 6000 years can be seen in the erosion of its enclosure that some are convinced is due to water weathering. How long ago was there enough water in that area to cause such erosion?

Others date the pyramids back to about 10 thousand years ago, after the last golden age which peaked around 11,500 BCE, based upon world age doctrine of great cycles. However, people of that time period weren’t yet fully recovered from the preceding ice age to have been able to undertake such massive projects. A society in decline or on a slow rise toward a golden age would not have been able to accomplish this. So perhaps the pyramids were constructed in the golden age prior to the last one, about 37,500 BCE. This is a theory I’m more inclined to support for a variety of reasons, but mainly because it’s closer to the last Age of Leo.

In The Pyramid Code, a documentary series that explores ancient sites in Egypt, they describe a golden age as “times of enlightenment, when civilizations reach high points in architecture, spirituality, and benevolence. This is considered to decline slightly in the silver age, further deteriorating in the bronze age, and reaching extreme levels of chaos, corruption, and ignorance in the iron age (or dark age). Then the cycle works its way back up to the next golden age.”

It takes 26,000 years to complete one rotation of the earth’s axis, which is called a procession cycle. Within each cycle, there are extended periods of alternating dark and golden ages. Based on this, we are currently living at the lowest point of the descending cycle, in an iron age, where extreme levels of chaos, corruption and ignorance reign supreme. So how could we possibly be the smartest humans ever to have lived on planet Earth?

The archeologists of the future might dig up our cities and think we were primitive and crude. After the cataclysmic end of our age, electronic databases would be useless without the appropriate technology and books would have eventually crumbled and turned to dust. All of our advanced accomplishments might end up at the bottom of the ocean or completely obliterated. As a result, we may not appear advanced to those future humans and they might wonder how we built whatever is left standing.

So who did build the pyramids?

We may never know.



  1. I just completed the pyramid code series and have been compelled to search for more information when I stumbled upon your blog. I concur with your assessment and feel that there is an intuitive resonance to theories proposed. Our "scholars" are blinded by paradigms and ego and those on the fringes may have better clarity while being rejected from the mainstream. The theory of the sphinx having been Anubis seems so obvious once presented that only resistance to the truth could keep it from becoming generally accepted. Even more disturbing, is the cover-ups by Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities to protect its history... as they would like it to be written. Humanity may be better served by delving into its past to gain wisdom instead of forging into the future with ignorance.

    1. Definitely. I think I have bought "The Pyramid Code" on DVD a few times and given them out to friends. Such an eye-opening series. Thought provoking. There's so much we don't know and so many things we've misinterpreted about our history.


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