Wandering Spirit Beads

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Too Many Tears

A poem for the times, by J.D. Hanning

I weep for Humanity
mourn the loss of compassion
and stand bitter in the wake of greed

I weep for all the Children
lost innocence forced on them
and how it will affect their future

I weep for those who Hunger
empty in body and soul
needing food and a meaningful life

I weep for those who Thirst
for unpolluted water,
equality, justice, and respect

I weep for the Homeless
in need of a safe shelter
but surviving instead on the streets

I weep for the Elderly
aching for interaction
neglected, mistreated, forgotten

I weep for unheard Voices
ideas, stories, and songs
wasted on those who disregard them

I weep for those who are Lost
wrong turns and bad decisions
with no way back and no way forward

I weep for the Powerless
oppressed, repressed, and depressed
their freedom of choice taken away

I weep for those in Power
whose lust, greed, and corruption
blinds them to the needs of the people

I weep for our whole Country
staunchly divided in fear
neither side willing to compromise

I weep for our only Home
Mother Earth shows her fury
desecrated, abused, and broken

I weep for lost Potential
a world where we all can thrive
in fairness, peace, and prosperity

I weep for the loss of Hope
and mourn the lack of vision
stand helpless in the wake of despair


“Too Many Tears” a poem, copyright 2018 by J.D. Hanning

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